recent photos
i havn’t been able to upload as many photos as I wanted. the connections on this side are rather pathetic. I almost signed up for a service that was going to cost me over $200 setup fee and about $120 a month for a wireless connection that was supposed be 128k (still slow I know) but in actuality seemed to average around 10 to 20k. I decided for the money they wanted me to be paying, i wasn’t going to be able to put up with that hassle. The other problem was that I had to sit outside of my house just to get any sort of signal.
anyhow, I have finally gotten the time to throw a few photos up on my site. Click on the photos below to go to the gallery pages:
This is a photo of my wife and her sister with a man from the UN. After the photo she jumped on the helicopter and went searching for a man they had to evacuate out of the region she was in.
I took this photo while I was in Lodwar, Kenya. The man is a Turkana and when he saw me with my camera trying to take his photo, he began to run. I snapped just in time to get a shot of him in mid-air. You can see how his shadow does not connect with his body. Thought that was pretty darn cool.
8/10/2006 @ 20:39 pm
Your adventures continue. I just thought I’d let you know your pictures of Lokichokio are linked on wikipedia’s website here:
8/11/2006 @ 17:59 pm
Hi Rob,
I have been working with you a couple of years ago and i want to send you an email but cannot find your adres anywhere. Can you send me your adres? Next month i’m visiting Nairobi maybe we can meet up?
8/20/2006 @ 00:54 am
Rob thats fantastic photography there. I am so glad your wife is alright after the crazy events of the last few weeks. Glad to hear you guys are doing alright and for the love of Pete keep posting updates.