Khartoum, Sudan – Military Industry Corporation (MIC) Official Website

This is the Al-Bashier battle tank from Khartoum’s Military Industry Corporation website. I want one.
They have a lovely selection of weapons, equipment and infantry boots for sale. I like their motto: “For peace we gather all our effort”.
I am assuming that Sudan doesn’t have to import so much of its weapons to kill its own people anymore with this company around. That or they export the weapons at a good price and import cheap killing machines for their own use.
I have to admit that they have some rather cool names for their weapons. I have no idea what they mean, but they roll off the tongue quite nicely. Like take the “MAZ”. It is basically an AK-47, but the “MAZ” sounds a bit more impressive. And according to the description: “It is of light weight, and so easy to use.”
4/25/2011 @ 13:23 pm
are these shown weapons manufactured in Sudan sir/madam.
4/25/2011 @ 13:25 pm
what are these weapons used for
4/25/2011 @ 13:25 pm
what are these weapons used for.
4/25/2011 @ 13:29 pm
i really have no idea. It is possible that they do the manufacturing there. What I imagine is that they do the assembly in Sudan, importing a few of the parts and making the bits they can make locally. I’m sure you could contact them and ask.
5/9/2012 @ 05:41 am
Yes it’s made in Sudan in MIC….