Let them: Sudan
In January, Sudan is supposed to hold a referendum and decide on unity or separation.
This has been six years in the making. Both sides should have had the time to prepare, organize and be ready for this date. But this is Sudan. Procrastination is the national pastime. If it isn’t done today, there is always tomorrow and if its not tomorrow then maybe the next day.
There are many opinions about the direction things are going. Most of those opinions point to doom and gloom. If the Referendum doesn’t take place – WAR! If the Referendum takes place – WAR!
I am going to be optimistic. Yes, everything points to catastrophe. Yes, time is short. But… there is and should always be hope that peace will prevail.
My favorite Sudanese musician says in one of her songs “Let us go, we will make it! Leave us alone, we will make it!” She wasn’t only talking to Sudanese. So folks, let them go, they will make it. Leave them alone, they will make it. If it doesn’t happen today, there is always tomorrow. If it is not tomorrow, then maybe the next day.