my ear has a problem.
the other day i tripped, fell and hit my face on a wall putting a nice little gash in my forehead. the wall was ok. I was visiting friends last sunday afternoon and one of them came to help me clean up and poured what he thought was water on my head.
It wasn’t water, but kerosene. fortunately the bleeding stopped, but it burned like #$@%#@. some of it also got in my ear. that was the worse part. I could deal with the hit on the head, a nice cut and a little bit of what I assume is whiplash. but the kerosene in the ear was more then I could handle. the pain was very intense.
today is thursday. my ear is still blocked up. up until yesterday morning I still had kerosene coming out of the ear. i think what is remaining is water and wax. or maybe more kerosene. whatever it is, it doesn’t want to come out and is driving me crazy.
i’m getting very tired of juba. i’m doing work but there is no money coming in. am trying my hand at some business venture, but they are not going over very well. my family is back in Nairobi. i havn’t seen them for the last three and half months. my newborn won’t have an idea who I am when I see him again. I fear my other son is forgetting me too.
i just want to leave. but i have to keep looking, searching, hoping that i will find myself bringing in the money i need to support my family. sometimes just seems like it isn’t going to happen.
11/7/2008 @ 01:48 am
You need to be painting, painting, painting!!!!!!!! Why not approach some of the government officials that you’ve met through Mary to see if any of them would want to have their portrait done. Bet you could make a nice chunk of change. I keep telling you, maybe one of these days it will finally click in your head. You really have to stop resisting the inevitable. It takes too much of your energy banging your head against the wall, when there is a door just a few feet away.
12/28/2008 @ 23:15 pm
Your new paintings are great. Just keep it up. I’m sure there would be a place in Nairobi with all the tourists, where you could market your work. I would think it could be sold at a much higher price than as you have priced them. Value your work–you are talented–not everyone can paint. None of us local people price our framed paintings for under $150. I know it would not be practical for you to frame yours for sale due to shipping and most people would want to choose framing.
Do hope you all had a good Christmas. We were all by ourselves but did receive lots of phone calls. We were on the Altrusa Club Christmas Walk Dec. 13th, and still have friends and relatives coming by to see the house with all the trimmings. I’ll try to send some pictures by email. Give everyone a hug for us. Love you—
Grandma T.
1/26/2009 @ 07:56 am
Hello, you don’t know me.
I found your blog last night after I googled ‘kerosene in ears’.
I got kero in my ears last night and it was hurting like crazy.
This morning my ears are all clogged up and kero i still coming out.
I want to know how long it took for your ears to be completely better.
Did you really do serious damage?
Please reply, somehow?