range rover
“What country does this flag belong too?!!”
I give him a blank stare. Shrug my shoulders. Wasn’t sure if it was a trick question.
“You can not have two flags on the license plate! I’m sure in the US you don’t have two flags. And they can’t be upside down! And you no longer can have that number on the plate. The government of Sudan doesn’t want any CE any more!”
“I didn’t put the flag there. It came with the plate. The vehicle doesn’t belong to me. I’ll tell the owner.”
“You should fix it! This is not right. You are breaking the law. I am arresting this vehicle. It is not going anywhere. Give me the keys to this vehicle!”
“No, I’m not going to give you the keys”.
“No??! Ok, then you will see my friend. I’ll be back!”
I took these pics for Intelligensia. A glimpse of Juba. I used the camera on my phone, so not very good quality and I took them from the hip cause I didn’t want people to see me taking photos.
9/4/2008 @ 18:05 pm
thanks for the odd shots of juba. if one day i amble past i shall be able to say, i know this place!