ive tried upgrading this site to the newest version of the blogging software, but it didn’t work. aggravating.
yesterday we just recieved a new gadget which is similar to a handheld palm pilot. at least it runs the same software. and it is supposed to be able to hook into a computer. but apparantly i don’t have all the right software for that, and I can’t figure out how to get it to work. aggravating.
sitting in the middle of nowhere, trying to rely on the stuff that is sent to you and a not so decent connection to the interent. aggravating.
trying to sort out the direction my life is going in the near future and not really getting anywhere. aggravating.
at least there was rain for a little bit this morning. cooled things down briefely, made it pleasant to sit in the office for a short while. then it got hot again. aggravating.
2/18/2005 @ 04:39 am
Aggravating – this is the correct spelling. Figured if you were helping them do educational materials you at least needed to know how to spell correctly. Sorry everything is so aggrevating for you right now. My week has been a little like that too. Have a question… Larry asked me if I thought it would be alright for him to have that Jesus picture you signed for him copied. He has a bunch of AA people that have said they want a copy. Told hiim I’d ask you. Thought it might be a way to earn a little extra money. I have some copies on parchment just like it upstairs, I think. I’m not sure how many tho’. Let me know. You might need to sign a release form or something. Mom