i got caught in some rain this afternoon. which is a little bit frustrating, but something I can’t complain about because this country has needed rain for quite a while now. i just wish it hadn’t decided to come while I was walking outside.
one of my colleages (sp?) asked me if I had been blessed. He said that in his tribe when a baby pees on you, they like to say that a person has been blessed. When I walked back into the office it looked like alot of babies had taken a wee on my trousers.
i am blessed, i can’t deny that. it is just really easy to forget about that sometimes and feel a bit sorry for one’s self. espescially on one’s birthday. today is my birthday.
i was trying to forget about it for weeks, but it always just stuck right there in the front of my brain. i didn’t want to let one stupid day get me down in the mouth. but somehow it managed to sneak up and go “boo!” and I remembered that I turned one year older and closer to that 30 something gap. and i started to worry about a whole bunch of things in my life and kinda started to freak out a little bit.
now its raining and the only ting i have to really worry about is how I am going to get back to my house without getting completely soaked. i already recieved my blessing for the day, not sure if I need a whole lot more.:)
rain is so much fun.
2/28/2006 @ 18:27 pm
Happy bird day to ewe…
Happy bird day to ewe……
Happy bird day lil’ brother……
Happy bird day to ewe…..
One more year and yer an old man like me! Hope it was a good day for you, other than the crushing realization that you are getting OLD.
– M
2/28/2006 @ 21:30 pm
happy b-day rob. i had my best times in my 30’s. so just think happyer days are yet to come.
have a great day
2/28/2006 @ 21:42 pm
HAPPY! HAPPY! HAPPY! HAPPY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! And whether you think it is a day to feel blessed or not, we know that it was a blessed day when you were born. God has great things in store for you!!! Even if it includes getting wet with some rain! Are you aware that whenever there is to be a great move of God that there is a time of rain (both spiritual and actual) that proceeds it??? I’ve been praying for rain over Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia(?). Perhaps this is the beginning of the end of the drought, not only of the land but of the people. Praying it is an especially great day for you, Mom
3/1/2006 @ 07:28 am
hey uncle rob happy birth day. hope things are going well out there, hope to see you sometime soon. Hope you will be back for my birth day. Well i will see you later.
p.s.-my dads comment is stupid ehh
3/1/2006 @ 08:46 am
FELIZ CUMPLEANOS!!!!! In other words, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” I wish you a wonderful day today and everyday. As far as the water situation I have sent money to dig new wells, and to furnish food for families. Please let me know if you have heard of Life Outreach International. They are based in Dallas, Texas. I want to do the right thing but I want to make sure it is going to help the people. Take care, try not to get sick. Let us all know how meeting Mary’s family was like, it sounds so interesting. Love, Patsy
3/1/2006 @ 22:35 pm
I sent an email yesterday–do hope you received it. I wanted you to know we were thinking of you and wishing you a very special birthday. Have you gone to meet Mary’s family yet? Let us know when so we can pray that all goes well. She must be very special and we are so anxious to meet her. Give her our love.
Grandpa had a Urologist app’t today for his prostate cancer and the Dr. was amazed at how well he is doing–said he has progressed in 6 mos. to what most men are at one year–so we are encouraged. We see the Neurosurgeon this Fri. for the brain cyst–keep us in your prayers. The Paris Church Women United with me as leader are doing a program on S. Africa on Friday. The fabric you gave me a year ago is draping the altar. It is beautiful.
Love, Grandma T.
3/2/2006 @ 23:48 pm
Happy Birfday Rob! Congratulations for surviving another year my friend. I know I am terrible about staying in touch but I always valued your friendship and looked forward to hangin out with you. Let me know if you need anything that I can supply. Like guns. Or at least high powered water guns. Those can sting a little if you hit ’em just right.
Happy birthday,
3/27/2006 @ 05:44 am
Hi Rob. 🙂
Wish I had remembered this site earlier.I have been wanting to send you a message saying hello. I miss having seen you in how many years? Grandma showed me a picture of Mary over Christmas, she is lovely. and ha ha over the bday 😀 I only turn 28 this year…. oh wiat .. that means I turn 30 in 2years aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh lol I know I’m crazy and silly. feel free to email me. arwencourtney@yahoo.com
Arwen Courtney “your blonde airheaded cousin still living in Indiana and living a boring life.”