The Kanga Book
A logo I did for The Kanga Book . The Kanga Book is being compiled by a group of people scattered across Africa and the rest of the world showcasing their favorite Kanga images and other images related to all things “Kanga”. The Kanga Book. Fun stuff.
From wikipedia:
The kanga (or khanga; from the old Bantu (Kiswahili) verb ku-kanga, to wrap or close), is a colourful garment similar to kitenge, worn by women and occasionally by men throughout the African Great Lakes region. It is a piece of printed cotton fabric, about 1.5 m by 1 m, often with a border along all four sides (called pindo in Swahili), and a central part (mji) which differs in design from the borders.
You can find more about The Kanga Book on and