‘Hungriest place on Earth’ getting worse – Sudan

Go read the article to find out more information. It is really sad what is going on this place.
Two very close friends of mine were part of the team that went into Akobo and did the original assessment and found out that there was a big problem. Malnutrition levels were the highest that they had ever seen or heard of anywhere else.
I remember from my aid worker days that the international standard for very bad malnutrition had a very low number. Something like 15% i think. During the war, Sudan was notorious for normally having twice that rate, and it was difficult to get agencies to respond to a situation that wasn’t higher than 30%.
In Akobo, according to my friends, they were getting numbers in the range of 47%.
I apologize for not being able to expand on the meaning of the numbers cause I just don’t know enough about nutrition levels.
My friends are a bit frustrated with the current election. Due to fears of violence and unstable situations, they were pulled out of the field until further notice. The agency they work with has a policy to remove unessential staff from locations during periods of possible violence. My friends kinda felt that there were very essential. At least to the 47% in Akobo that are dying of hunger.