Thanksgiving – HIV awareness
i will not be able to eat any turkey tomorrow. Doubt I would find any ham either. No pumpkin pie. Stuffing. gravy. Those are a few things I miss about celbrating Thanksgiving. What I miss the most is having a day with friends & relatives and being able to spend the time together relaxing and enjoying each other’s company.
My family is too far away at the moment. I should be able to find a few friends though. Even without all the extras, I will have to see how I make it a good day.
I do have quite a bit to give thanks for. Like I’m still breathing. I have been able to eat for the past six months and so has my family. We are not sick. At least not anymore, although I have a small persistant cough that doesn’t want to go away. I found some temporary work. Which will continue to put food and shelter over our heads for the coming months. Might even allow me to do a couple of extra things which I have been putting off for a long while.
The list actually goes on for quite a while. A few weeks back, I was in a completely miserable spot in my life and didn’t see the silver linings or the light at any tunnel’s end. My head was to the ground and that was all tha I saw in front of my face.
Its a lot better now. And while I won’t be able to celebrate the official thanksgiving day with my family, I will have one of my own very soon. I can’t wait for that one.
Since I havn’t posted any pictures in a terribly long while, I thought I would put one up of a poster I am working on. This is part of what is going to put some of that food in my mouth.