so for the past few days my website has had a few problems. i forgot to pay the yearly fees needed, and by the time i got around to paying it had gone offline and then needed a few days to get back up and running. but it is back.
tomorrow is thursday the 14th of september. i will be traveling to a location in southern sudan called “Malakal” where i will be an “interim project officer” for the next four weeks. i got a call last friday from an agency i have done some work with asking if i would be interested. which i was considering the appaling status of my current bank account.:)
the difficulty here is that I am taking a very big chance of being away at the time my wife may give birth. the due date is the 18th of october, i am back on the 10th, but knowing how babies in the stomach can behave, he might decide to show a bit early. i’m hoping that he will be patient enough to wait until after the 10th to make his first appearance.
i will be offline for the next four weeks. Malakal should be an interesting place and provide quite a bit of challenge to perform in the task set ahead of me. i’m looking forward to it though. I will take loads of photos and hopefully be albe to post some interesting stories come mid october. Although most of them will probably focus on the birth of my son.:)
for those of you that responded to my question about school fees, here is the answer. It can cost anywhere from 100 to 150 dollars per person for a period of three months. i do fear that because I am going to be gone for the next month, getting these guys into the final session of school may be difficult and they may have missed too many weeks to be considered. but we shall see.
look for more news and info around the middle of october.
patsy colorado
9/27/2006 @ 10:15 am
Hi Robbie. Your mom let me know that she and your dad will be in Africa for the birth of your baby. I sent a card to you and Mary with something for the baby. I know you will get him something he needs. I hope everything goes well and you will have a wonderful baby. God Bless.
patsy colorado
10/6/2006 @ 09:38 am
Hope you and Mary are fine. I sent something for your baby with your mom and dad. Take care and God bless.
patsy colorado
10/6/2006 @ 09:40 am
sorry about two messages…I thought the first one didn’t go through.